What do you put in Nanakusa gayu?

What do you put in Nanakusa gayu?

7th Jan 2019


I ate Nanakusa-Gayu yesterday noon.

Although they have different ingredients depending on regions, it has a common purpose, which is pray for purging noxious vapors and state of perfect health over the year.

You can use Tanka (31 syllables verse) rhythm in order to remember the 7 ingredients for Nanakusa-gayu.Seri, Nazuna- Gogyo, Hakobera,Hotokenoza, Suzuna, Suzushiro

Each ingredient has different kind of medical virtues such as nutritional enhancement and intestinal function. Also the herbs have the lucky charm meanings after the name.

Seri: (EN name) Water dropwort / Compete and win

Nazuna (Penpen-gusa) : (EN name) Shepherd’s purse / wipe and remove the dirt

Gogyo: (EN name) Cudweed / Buddha’s body

Hakobera : (EN name) Chickweed / Spread the prosperity

Hotokenoza : (EN name) Henbit / Buddha’s seat

Suzuna : (EN name) Tunip / Bell for calling god

Suzushiro : (EN name) Daikon raddish / Pure white
